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“Mental illness is not the problem.  Untreated mental illness is the problem.”


Dr. Massey is a licensed clinical psychologist who has serviced clients in private practice for 13 years. She provides clinical services to children, adults, and families faced with the most challenging disorders and life circumstances.  Her work specializes in childhood clinical issues, abuse/neglect, and depression/anxiety disorders. Dr. Massey worked diligently to prepare for success in this professional career.  After graduating valedictorian from high school in 1991, Dr. Massey obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from Georgetown University in Washington, DC. She graduated with honors from DePaul University in Chicago with a Master of Arts in Psychology and then with her Doctor of Philosophy. Dr. Massey completed her doctoral internship through the University of Tennessee Psychology Consortium and was licensed as a Clinical Psychologist by the state of Tennessee in 2001. Through her private practice, Dr. Massey has provided internships for college students aspiring to enter the field of psychology.

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“Knowledge is most useful when it is shared.”


Dr. Massey is a transformational leader committed to providing others with valid,
effective information as a subject matter expert in aspects of psychology and mental health.
She is an adjunct professor for Union University/Memphis College of Urban Theological Studies
in the Psychology Department. Dr. Massey is a consultant with Polished Consulting, LLC
providing leadership training in various settings including with the Shelby County School System
and the City of Memphis. Her primary focus is on emotional intelligence and its role in effective
leadership. Dr. Massey conducts leadership trainings relative to mental wellness in the
community and corporate environments for entities such as the State of Tennessee, Nike,
University of Memphis, Southwest Tennessee Community College, Child Advocacy Center, the
Spiritual Care Network, the Junior League (locally and across the country), Memphis Theological
Seminary, and various churches. In 2018, Dr. Massey was an adjunct professor with Vision
School of Biblical Training offering a certification, correspondence course entitled Biblical and
Christian Counseling. Dr. Massey was a contributing author for Memphis Fitness Magazine May 2022 for Mental Health Awareness Month.

Inspirational Speaker

“You can always S.O.A.R”


The stigma surrounding mental illness has hindered the ability of many to recognize that mental health should be a goal as is physical health.  Dr. Massey is committed to eliminating this barrier and making it easier for persons to embrace the importance of mental stability in EVERYTHING that we do.  Dr. Massey’s engaging style of presenting challenging and often taboo information in a manner that is relatable and actionable is indeed inspiring. Whether in a small group forum or large auditorium, Dr. Massey makes each individual feel that she is speaking directly to them. Those who hear her are pricked with an awareness of their personal power and need to actively govern their own experience. Dr. Massey contends that everyone can S.O.A.R.:

Speak: Break the silence within by be willing to acknowledge your truths.

Ouch: Allow self to hurt learning to manage negative emotions vs trying to live void of


Act: Be intentional about setting and reaching goals from practical day-to-day tasks to long

term plans.

Revive: Restore parts of self that have been discarded and give new energy to your existence.


CLICK HERE to see footage of Dr. Massey delivering her S.O.A.R. message!

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“Get your learning and your burning”


Dr. Massey insists that spirituality is a major component of one’s mental health.  She challenges the belief that spirituality has no place in the clinical therapy environment. This is explicitly evident in the fact that Dr. Massey is an ordained minister. In addition to sharing the gospel of the good news, Dr. Massey has provided workshops at various religious organizations and churches designed to empower women and mothers, elevate children and youth, educate parishioners regarding mental health issues. Her favorite passage of scripture, John 15:13 which reads: Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down His life for His friends, drives Dr. Massey to live her life as one of service to others.

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“I want to live what I teach in session.  You have to DO the work.”


In addition to her clinical career, Dr. Massey is a community change agent who
embodies servant leadership.  Dr. Massey has served on the Board of Directors for Special
Olympics of Greater Memphis since 2019 and Special Olympics of Tennessee since 2021 where
she is currently Board Secretary. In summer 2022, she became a Clinical Director for the Strong
Minds program of Special Olympics International, the mental health arm of the organization’s
developing inclusive health program. Dr. Massey is an active member of the Junior League of
Memphis where her primary volunteer service commitment is with Baptist Hospital Centers for
Good Grief and Camp Good Grief. She is an alumnus of Leadership Memphis, Executive

Program 2016 and a member of the Community Advisory Council for Peer Power. Dr. Massey
previously served on the Board of Directors for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midsouth, Friends
for Life, and the Harwood Center.

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